Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field,
32which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches."
Matthew 13:31-32
The winter had passed slowly in our new home but finally spring had arrived. Our landscaping consisted of red clay, rocks, clumps of weeds, and a few onion sprouts. Blessed with a beautiful new home in the foothills of Tennessee landscaping had not been part of the package.
We labored day after day picking rocks out of our "potential area" for grass. After several weeks of working and planning we seeded our property. We moved and replanted the few shrubs and bushes that had come with the house. It took some thought and a great deal of effort to make something esthetically pleasant out of the disaster we started with but over time we saw the fruits of our labor.
One afternoon two men came by selling trees. The Bradford Pear tree is a beautiful tree. It blooms several times a year and each time the blossoms are a different color. It is very popular so we decided to invest in two in an effort to add some beauty to our yard. These trees were not little twigs but partially grown trees that were probably at least 7 or 8 feet high if not more. We buy big trees here in Tennessee. I guess we are too impatient to wait for the little seedlings to grow. Finally, our house was turning into a home and we actually had some grass and trees.
One afternoon we had a terrible storm with strong winds. Imagine my surprise when my son came in and told me that one of the trees had blown right out of the ground. At first, I thought he was joking but by the look on his face, I could tell he wanted me to go out and investigate.
Sure enough, the wind had somehow torn one of the trees right out of the ground. There was no way to replant it because the roots did not all come up with it. There was nothing to do with it but use it for firewood.
It was not long until winter was upon us again, and then spring arrived once more. I usually water flowers in the morning before the sun is too hot. While out watering one morning, I noticed something where the tree had been. It was one very frail thin branch sticking out of the ground. It was tiny but green and healthy. It even had a couple of miniature leaves on it. My husband had not gotten around to digging out the roots the previous summer and I was glad because there was still life there and that thin branch was all I needed to see to know that something was going to grow there if we would just be patient.
Today as we were leaving the house, my husband commented on that tree. It is unique because the trunk is short but it is full of leaves, full of life, and as beautiful as every other tree in the neighborhood.
My point is simple. Things in this life are not always what they seem. You can pick the biggest piece of fruit in the grocery store and it can be rotten within. On the other hand, you can choose the smallest piece and it can be sweet and enjoyably delicious. Most of the time--things are not what they seem.
That little sprout in my yard drove some of the people in this subdivision crazy. They could not believe we would not take it out and not only that we nurtured it the same as all the other plants and flowers. You should hear their comments now. They are singing a different tune.
The life of that other person that you secretly covet is not what it seems. That car that you keep eyeing is not what it seems. The promotion that you were passed over on was not what it seemed. That friend who betrayed you was not who they seemed.
That is why it is important that allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in every area of our lives. Far too many times, we try to make all the decisions ourselves except the life and death matters. God wants us to come to Him and listen while He speaks truth to us. Not just on big issues but on smaller matters as well. When this happens, we will see past the present and into the future. We will see through the lies and smokescreens and find truth. We will also find direction for those times when things are not what they seem and we are unsure of how to respond.
Do not give up because whatever you are involved in is not going the way you thought it would. God makes last minute changes so you have no idea what the end result is going to be. If you trust Him and know He only plans the best for you then you will trust Him no matter what your eyes may see. I believe that if we truly surrender to God He will allow us to see things through His eyes and when we do; we will see His perfect workings in our lives. Take another look today
things are not always what they seem!
©2005 Melinda L. Lancaster. All Rights Reserved.